Friday, April 24, 2009

Quick post

Because I'm an idiot and forgot my memory stick, which had an enormous blog post on it. Will try to get it up asap, but don't know when that will be (of course)! We're in Darjeeling now, going to head off to Kalimpong tomorrow morning. Elephant riding is a no go - even if we did book, we wouldn't be guaranteed an elephant ride (???). Hopefully we'll manage at some other point.

Bit surreal here, in Glenary's, which is a major tourist-magnet cafe (/internet cafe). It's strange hearing so much English (a bit distracting, really). Anyway, I had my first smooth ride up to Darjeeling today, and befriended the sweetest old lady in the share jeep, who shook my hand when she left!

Time is ticking though...can't believe it's almost the end of April! There's an election going on next Thursday (no school - woohoo!), but it doesn't sound like it'll be particularly intense. Things are pretty calm in Ghayabari, but we're planning to stay close to home for then anyway.

Love to all

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