Thursday, May 14, 2009

I hate computers and how they crash

Or rather, I hate how patchy voltage makes them crash. Had a wonderfully long post half-written (making myself hungry writing about food), but think I may've lost it, which is annoying. I'm trying to upload photos instead, and since pictures can be worth a thousand words, hopefully this will be a suitable replacement. Having spent close to an hour on my lost post, I don't really want to spend more time on it, and I need to do fun (and mildly stressful) things like choose courses for next year and figure out what to do about my visa. It worked though! Woohoo!
Pankaj's birthday party
I really want to go to more Indian weddings

This pretty much sums up life at Regal Academy

1 comment:

  1. Are you going to be on that poster on the wall at the back too????

    Making me hungry with that plate of food. If I hadn't already prepared soup for dinner, I would have got that curry sauce out!

    Oh those boys look just like some of my little students. Identical! Some are really sweet and some are really horrible, and even the horrible ones are really sweet sometimes (usually when you meet them outside class). I've got two horrors in my little group (the 3 year olds - how can they be so horrible so young!). I know it's my fault somehow but I have lost it (I hope only temporarily) with those two. Last time they went out of control.

    You sound like you are doing so much stuff. Are we going to get a demo of that dance you are doing, or better still, the video on BBC World? When and where do you get BBc World anyway?

    Thanks for the postcard Hilary! Elyssa was so amazed at how small writing could be! She's looking forward to doing some ballet with you!
    Can't wait to see you in the summer and all your photos.
